Commemoration of the 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day in Dharamshala

In Dharamshala, the Tibetan Youth Congress, in collaboration with the Tibetan Women’s Association, National Democratic Party of Tibet, and Students for Free Tibet, united to honor the 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day. Preparatory meetings were diligently conducted to draft a joint statement in English, Tibetan, and Hindi, outlining campaign actions to be undertaken on March 10th.

Posters were distributed across Dharamshala to raise awareness among tourists and to remind Tibetans of the significance of this historic date.

On March 3rd, volunteers from Dharamshala congregated at TYC office to inscribe slogans and demands on placards and banners. Hand-written banners symbolized our collective commitment to the cause, fostering a sense of solidarity and activism against Chinese repression.


After a month of meticulous planning and placard preparations, we marked the 10th March Tibetan National Uprising Day by distributing flags, slogan pamphlets, and the joint statement. Participants’ faces were adorned with Tibetan flags and symbols, reflecting the struggles endured during our years in exile. The atmosphere surrounding the Temple area on March 10th was charged with inspiration, as flags fluttered and slogans reverberated among Tibetans.


Following the official program at the Dalai Lama Temple, we embarked on a march to Kacheri, with thousands of Tibetans chanting slogans in unison. The peace march witnessed participation from the broader Tibetan community, including nuns, students, and monks from nearby institutions.


Upon arrival at Kacheri, after an arduous hour-long march under the blazing sun, we commenced the program by honoring the Tibetan and Indian national anthems, followed by a minute of silence to pay tribute to the sacrifices made by Tibetan martyrs.


Subsequently, commemorative songs were sung, and the President of the Tibetan Youth Congress delivered a poignant speech on behalf of the four NGOs. He conveyed greetings and voiced grievances over the ongoing suffering of Tibetans under Chinese repression, emphasizing the necessity for continued protests to denounce Chinese occupation and amplify the voices of Tibetans inside Tibet. Gratitude was expressed to the government and Tibet support groups for their unwavering support to the Tibetan cause.


The President of the National Democratic Party of Tibet, Mr. Tashi Dhondup, then read the Tibetan statement, followed by Miss Tenzin Passang, National Director of Students for a Free Tibet India, who read the English statement. The event, hosted by the President of the Tibetan Women’s Association, was a resounding success, attracting a large public turnout and reaffirming our collective commitment to the cause of Tibet.



65th Tibetan National Uprising Day Commemoration in Delhi

The 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day was commemorated in Delhi with a peaceful rally from Janpath Metro Station to Jantar Mantar. The event was jointly organized by TYC Centrex, along with RTYC Rohini, RTYC Delhi Samyeling, and RTYC Chandigarh, SFT Delhi, RTWA, BTSM, ITCO, and VTag members.


During the rally, participants raised slogans highlighting the critical situation inside Tibet and demanded the Chinese communist regime to halt its forced relocation policies and damming projects in Tibet. The gathering was marked by passionate speeches, with Mr. Yeshi Chomphel la, the Organizational Secretary of Tibetan Youth Congress, emphasizing the significance of commemorating this important date and the importance of our collective efforts in fulfilling the aspirations of Tibetans inside Tibet through organized campaign activities.


Mr. Pankaj Goyal, the General Secretary of BTSM, along with Professor Anand from JNU, Mr. Vijay Kranti, and Venerable Archaya Yeshi Phuntsok, former Deputy Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament, also addressed the gathering, condemning the Chinese regime’s continued repression in Tibet.


A significant number of Tibetans participated in the protest rally to honor the 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day.


On March 11th, more than 40 activists from the Tibetan Youth Congress staged a protest in front of the Chinese Embassy, demanding an end to the forced relocation and damming projects in Tibet, and calling for an end to Chinese repression in the region. Amidst the bustling traffic, our activists raced towards the embassy, holding placards condemning Chinese oppression in Tibet and advocating for freedom in the region. They were subsequently detained but later released in the late afternoon.

In recognition of their dedication, a Khatak was offered to them by the organizations and associations in front of the Samyeling Monastery, where the President of the Tibetan Youth Congress emphasized the importance of such protest campaigns in demonstrating solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet and amplifying their voices on the international stage.





Meeting with US Delegation In Dharamshala

TYC President Gonpo Dhundup and Media Manager Tenzin Lobsang had a meeting with Mr. William J. O’Connor and Mr. Robin Bansel of the US Embassy, along with representatives from other NGOs. They discussed TYC’s campaign initiatives, explored future collaboration opportunities, and expressed gratitude for the US’s constant support for Tibet’s just cause.


Tibetan Youth Congress hosts a lunch and office tour for Gen Wangdue la, president of the Gonpa Association, Shri Rigzin la, president of Ladakh Buddhist Association, and Yangchen la, president of Ladakh Ama Tsokpa, alongside two other dignitaries from the Buddhist community in Kargil. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these associations for their steadfast support of the Tibetan cause.


TYC Vice President and the General Secretary, accompanied by other NGO representatives, convened a dinner meeting with members of the Australian Parliamentarians group, including Senator Deborah O’Neill, MP Michael McCormack, MP David Smith, Zoe Bedford, Catherine and Paul Joseph. Discussions centred around the current situation in Tibet, shedding light on our organization’s efforts over the past 54 years.



Tibetan Youth Congress president Mr. Gonpo Dhundup joined in a four-day International Tibet support group conference convened in Belgium by the Department of Information and International Relations of CTA. With over 170 participants from 42 countries, the discussions focused on the urgent situation in Tibet and efforts to strengthen the international campaign for Tibet’s cause.


TYC Social Service Activity in Bodh Gaya

The Tibetan Youth Congress, one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Tibetan exile communities, consistently extends its social services during the teachings of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya or elsewhere in India. This year, TYC conducted its social service campaign from December 20th, 2024, to January 2nd, 2024.


The social service activity was spearheaded by Mr. Tashi Targyal, the Vice President of the Tibetan Youth Congress, alongside Joint Secretary Mr. Tsering Chomphel, Social Service Secretary Mr. Tenzin Jamphel, TYC Media Officer Mr. Tenzin Lobsang, and Tibetan Researcher Mr. Ngawang Yarphel.


On December 2nd, TYC Vice President and the Media Officer travelled to Bodh Gaya to secure permissions from railway stations for installing Tibetan Youth Congress announcement loudspeakers and setting up announcement centres. They engaged with relevant authorities to obtain the necessary permissions to provide social services to devotees and the public. The rest of the team joined them on December 19th,2024.

This year, over 60 volunteers from various age groups participated in providing social services to needy devotees, and they  were assigned to different sections of announcement centers, offering essential information in multiple languages, as well as to the Lost and Found sections, assisting devotees in retrieving their belongings. Services were accessible 14/7 at railway stations, supporting the Department of security in maintaining peace and order at the teaching entry gates and around the teaching area.


Overall, TYC successfully provided social services to those in need, receiving expressions of gratitude from devotees through messages and appreciation donations during the teachings.


Following the volunteers’ successful service, TYC typically organizes a day-long pilgrimage around Bodh Gaya. However, this year, due to state governmental transport restrictions, we were unable to facilitate the same for volunteers. Nonetheless, we were honored with an audience with Sakya Gongma Trichen Dorje Chang and his eminence Kyabje Kundeling Rinpoche, who conveyed words of encouragement and appreciation for TYC’s work.


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