TYC President Mr. Gonpo Dhundup la was invited as the Guest of Honour at the launch of Ranangan magazine in Navi Mumbai. The event was graced by Chief Guest Smt. Sonam Yudron, Former DIG of the Armed Border Force and Information Commission of the Arunachal Pradesh State. Other notable attendees included Dr. Swapnil Mane, Founder of Saidham Cancer Hostel, Dr. Avinash Gargote, Chief Editor of Ranangan, Shri Kumar Kadam, Former Chairman of the Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Shri Khandu Thungan, BTSM North East Convener, and several other dignitaries.
The organizers honored President with a traditional scarf, a bouquet, and a memento. During his speech, the TYC President extend gratitude to the organizers and emphasized the critical situation in Tibet. He highlighted the importance of Tibetan independence for India’s national security and interests. He concluded by thanking the Government and people of India for their continued support and appealed more support in the restoration of complete independence for Tibet.
The program concluded with poetry recitations and performances of traditional Marathi songs.


TYC President attended as the guest of honor at the 30th Founding Anniversary of the Tibetan Democratic Party of Tibet and addressed the distinguished gathering. The President reflected on TYC’s pivotal role in shaping the party’s rules and regulations, as well as its founding, in line with the visionary guidance of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The address also emphasized the significance of the Tibetan Democratic Party in advancing the causes of democracy and freedom for Tibet, highlighting its crucial role in promoting the values of justice, equality, and human rights. The function was attended by the chief guest Kungoe Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, former Deputy Speaker, Archarya Yeshi Phuntsok, Thupten Nyendak la, Advisor to the National Democratic Party of Tibet, and representatives from various non-governmental organizations.



The 54th Working Committee Meeting of the Tibetan Youth Congress was held at Chintan Bhawan Hall in Gangtok, Sikkim, from August 6th to 10th, 2024. The meeting was hosted by the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress Gangtok.

Prior to the meeting, TYC Centrex members and staff traveled from Dharamshala on July 29th and organized a protest rally outside the Hyatt Regency in New Delhi, along with members of the BTSM, to protest the Chinese Embassy’s celebration of the Founding Anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army. On August 3rd, the team departed for Gangtok via Indira Gandhi International Airport, where they were received by representatives from the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress Gangtok.

After two days of preparation, the opening ceremony of the 54th Working Committee Meeting took place on August 6th, attended by invited guests and participants representing regional chapters from India and Nepal. The ceremony was hosted by the TYC General Secretary, and began with the reception of a portrait of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, accompanied by religious songs and prayers. The Chief Guest, Shri Chung Chung Bhutia (Former Chairman, Sikkim Khadi and Village Industry Board), along with Shri Tsering Wangchuk Lapch, Former additional political secretary to HCM, TYC President Mr. Gonpo Dhundup, Prof. Rudra Pougyel (Central Executive, BTSM), Mr. Pema Wangdak (Northeast Convener, ITCO), Mr. Pema Sangpo (Tibetan Settlement Officer), and Mr. Jimpa Phuntsok (Speaker, Local Tibetan Assembly), lit a butter lamp in front of the portrait, marking the commencement of the official function.

As the function commenced, the Tibetan and Indian national anthems were sung, followed by the TYC unity song. A minute of silence was observed to pay respects and remember the sacrifices made by Tibetan martyrs for the just cause of Tibet. Mr. Tenzin Tsepal, President of RTYC Gangtok, delivered a welcome speech, welcoming the participants of the Working Committee Meeting.

The Chief Guest, Shri Chung Chung Bhutia, and other dignitaries addressed the gathering, praising the works of TYC and expressing their deep support and solidarity with the just cause of Tibet. They also expressed their reverence for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The annual magazines of Tibetan Youth Congress and the TYC historical book, “A Concise Historical Record Attesting to Tibet’s Independence: Significant chronology of the Ganden Phorang Era”, were launched.

Following the opening function, the TYC proceeded to discuss the agendas sent by the Centrex six months prior. After thorough deliberations, 23 resolutions were adopted on the final day. Each day began with the singing of the TYC unity song, as per the resolution adopted in the previous Working Committee Meeting at Ladakh.

On the final day, participants launched a signature campaign to draw attention to the critical situation in Tibet and condemn the ongoing Chinese cultural genocide in Tibet.

Following the five-day Working Committee Meeting, a closing ceremony was held at Cholsum Hall, organized by the RTYC Gangtok. During the event, appreciation mementos were presented to the participants, and gratitude was extended to the supporters, who were honored with mementos and scarfs. The ceremony featured songs and dances performed by the Gorshey group and other groups representing various associations and NGOs.

President Mr. Gonpo Dhundup, expressed his appreciation to the regional chapter members for their dedication and thanked the other associations and supporters for their unity and service throughout the meetings.

Subsequently, a two-day pilgrimage was organized by the RTYC Gangtok, with more than 18 Innovas traveling to Rawang La. Participants were served lunch by RTYC Rawang La. After the pilgrimage, participants returned to their respective regions, while TYC centrex members and staff were hosted for a night by RTYC Salugara President. A lunch was also provided by RTYC Salugara member Tashi La, also known as Sanu Bhai. On August 13, 2024, TYC participants departed for Delhi via Bagdogra Airport.

Social Service Award

Social Service Award

This SOCIAL SERVICE AWARD is given to individuals or groups who perform outstanding social work in our community.

The recipient of this award are;

1. Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche (2004)

2. To those people who helped in the Keygudo Earthquake relief efforts (2010)

Dalai Lama Kadrin Jaydrin Award

Dalai Lama Kadrin Jaydrin Award

The DALAI LAMA KADRIN JAYDRIN AWARD is given to the students with the highest score in Tibetan language in the Class XII board exams every year.

This award is to honor and respect the legacy and achievements of His Holiness the Dalai Lama who works tirelessly to promote and preserve the rich Tibetan language, culture and identity.

In 2015, the award is presented to Denzom for scoring 98%.

In 2016, the award is presented to Dechen Sangmo and Tenzin Gonpo who both received 98% topping in Tibetan language amongst all the high school students in India and Nepal.

In 2017, the award was presented to 16 students who all scored 99% in Tibetan during the board exam.

Rangzen Award

Rangzen Award

This award is being given to those who achieve and perform extraordinary political work for the cause of Tibet.

The Rangzen Award is received by;

1. Takna Jigme Sangpo (1995)

2. Gilbert Blanchard (1998)

3. Tashi Tsering (2001)

4. People who took part in 2008 Uprising in Tibet

5. Lhasang Tsering (2010)

6. Jigme Norbu (2013)

Martyrs Award

Martyrs Award

This award is being given to those who have sacrificed their lives for their nation and their people.

The recipient of the Martyrs award till date are;

1. Pawo Thupten Ngodrup (1998)

2. Runggye Adak (2007)

3. Pawo Jamphel Yeshi (2012)

4. Monks of Kirti Monastery who self-immolated for the cause of Tibet (2013)

5. To self-immolators in Tibet and in exile who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Tibet. (2016)

Life-time Service Award

Life-time Service Award

This LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD is given to our members for his/her 15 years (or more) of service to Tibetan Youth Congress.

The life-time service award was given to the following people;

1. Mr. Tsering Topgay

2. Mr. Sonam Dorjee

3. Mr. Dawa Gyalpo

4. Mr. Sonam Tsering

5. Mr. Chung Tsering

6. Mr. Tenzin Thokmey

7. Mr. Urgen Dorjee

8. Mr. Karma Damchoe

9. Mr. Sonam Topden

10. Mrs. Kunga Palmo

11. Mr. Sherab Gyatso

12. Mr. Abur la

13. Mr. Jamyang Yeshi

14. Mr. Passang Tsewang

15. Mr. Lobsang Nyendak

16. Mr. Kunchok Woeser

17. Mr. Zimba Phuntsok

18. Mr. Tenzing Dhondup

19. Mrs. Penpa Dolma

20. Mr. Dhondup Tsering

21. Mr. Jamphel Dhondup

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