TYC Celebrates 50 Year Golden Jubilee Celebration


Group photo of TYC former Centrex and Regional executives during the Golden Jubilee Celebration at Imperial Heights Clarks Inn Hotel, Kanyara.

The TYC’s Golden Jubilee celebration is being marked on 7th October 2021, a year later as the celebrations have been postponed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was held at the Imperial Height Clark’s Inn Hotel, Kanyara. The celebration is being marked parallel with the 50th Working Committee Meeting of the TYC.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Tenzin Geyche Tethong, founding member, first President of TYC, and Former Kalon as the Chief Guest of the ceremony. And Shri. Kishan Kapoor, Member of Parliament, BJP and Shri Arjit Nehria, President of the Indo-Tibet Friendship Association as the Special Guests of the event. Former TYC Centrex were invited to the event as guests and Dharamshala Tibetan Settlement Officer, Representatives of various NGOs, Monasteries and Schools were also invited to the program.

The ceremony began with a singing of Tibetan and Indian national anthem and the guests and delegates observed a minute of silence for all the brave martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Tibet.

The Chief Guest and Special Guests launched three books, The history of TYC, Agendas and Resolutions of TYC in WCMs and GBMs and Biographies of the former TYC executive members published by the Office of the Central Executive Committee, Tibetan Youth Congress.

The first President of the TYC and former Kalon (Kasur)Tethong Tenzin Geyche made the remarks at the Golden Jubilee celebration of the largest Tibetan non-governmental organization in exile that “nothing good came after the Chinese occupation of Tibet.”

“If the sizeable Tibetans in exile cannot live in unity, it’s a shame,” he added.

However, he expressed his firm belief in the indomitable spirit of the Tibetans inside Tibet and that of the TYC’s leadership and campaigns and said that despite the present grim situation under Chinese rule, he believes there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Kasur Tenzin Geyche la, founding member of TYC and first President of TYC delivering his keynote speech during the 50th Year founding anniversary.


Mr. Gonpo Dhundup, the President of TYC highlighted the significance of TYC as an organization in the Tibetan struggle for freedom and the contributions it has made since its humble beginnings 51 years ago in 1970 be it political campaigns or social services.

“Because of TYC’s active political engagements, the so-called Chinese Communist Party of China has labeled us as a terrorist organization. However, the fact remains that TYC only seeks the complete independence of Tibet through a non-violence approach.” Said Mr. Gonpo Dhundup.

BJP MP Shri Kishan Kapoor who attended the event as the special guest extended his greetings on TYC’s 50th founding anniversary on behalf of India and the Indian people and applauded the TYC for nourishing leaders for the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) including the likes of former Sikyong and declared that the future of the CTA is bright.

The BJP MP from Kangra concluded by stating that like all the dictators that came before in the world’s history and perished, the Chinese regime under its dictator Xi Jinping too will perish and that Tibet will regain its independence.

In Shri. Arjit Nehria’s remarks, he focused on fighting for independence of Tibet as he believes that the security of India lies in the independence of Tibet. He condemned the Communist Party of China and applauded TYC President, Mr. Gonpo Dhundup for his activism and motivating Tibetan Youths to take part in the Tibetan Freedom Struggle.

The morning program concluded with a special lunch to the guests and delegates.

In the afternoon of the same day, some former TYC executive members along with the delegates from the Regional chapters had a three hour long productive discussions on the continuity of TYC as an organization striving for Independence of Tibet.

Kasur Tenzin Geyche la, founding member of TYC and first President of TYC delivering his keynote speech during the 50th Year founding anniversary. 

As a part of the concluding ceremony of the Golden Jubilee celebration and the 50th Working Committee Meeting (WCM), a Tibetan cultural performance was presented by the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) at TIPA hall on 12th October 2021.  Shri. Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, Governor of Himachal Pradesh graced the event along with Shri. Indresh Kumar, leader of RSS and founder of BTSM, District Commissioner, Superintendent of Police and other dignitaries. The President of the Central Tibetan Administration, Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile Khenpo Sonam Tenphel and Mrs. Dolma Tsering and the Chief Justice Commissioner, Mr. Sonam Norbu Dagpo also attended the evening cultural program. The show was wrapped off with a grand dinner for the dignitaries at TIPA Hall.

Cultural Performance by the artist of TIPA.
Group Picture after the Golden Jubilee cultural show at TIPA Hall.

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