TYC calls for Boycott Made in China

TYC Calls for Boycott of Made in China

Bangalore Sept 3: Around 100 members of Tibetan Youth Congress participated in a protest rally calling for a Boycott of Made in China and Tibet’s Independence India’s Security.

The protest march started from Banerapa Park and ended at Freedom Park and its aim is to highlight the issue of Tibet and urge for support for the freedom of the Tibetan people.

Since 2009, 160 Tibetans have set themselves on fire both inside and outside Tibet sacrificing their lives for their nation and protesting the illegal occupation of Tibet. China continues to occupy and oppress the Tibetan people.

Tibet must be on the table while issues related to the border between India and China are discussed said Tibetan Youth Congress President Tenzing Jigme. “The only way the border issue will be solved is when Tibet is free”, added Jigme.

We also have to apply various different tactics and strategies to put pressure on the Chinese government to resolve the issue therefore we are calling for a boycott of Made in China. This campaign not only aims to raise awareness but also directly send a message to the Chinese government that the resistance for Tibet will continue.

Tibetan Youth Congress is the largest Tibetan organization in exile working for the freedom and independence of Tibet.

Tibetan Youth Congress Working Committee Meeting ended yesterday in Bangalore where the organization adopted resolutions to strengthen the movement moving forward.

A resolution to proclaim a day as Tibetan National Language day aiming to preserve Tibetan language was adopted. TYC also passed a resolution to encourage Boycott Made in China and another resolution to form a scholarship fund for college students who want to attend college but cant afford the fees having not received any scholarships.

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