Tibetan Youth Congress flagged off the month-long “Tibet Matters March” on 29th April 2023 and it was aimed at public awareness creation, international support, and the world leaders to talk about Tibet during the G20 summit. The president, Gonpo Dhondup spoke to the Times of India, “Tibet matters for India’s security, Tibet matters for global peace, and Tibet matters for the betterment of a whole section of the population and their livelihood”.

The month-long Tibet Matters March commenced from Gangtok, located in the state of Sikkim. The march spanned across the West Bengal region, covering a distance of over 700 kilometres. The determined participants persevered through this extensive journey, facing various challenges along the way. The march concluded at Tezpur, situated in the state of Assam.

The Tibet Matters March witnessed the participation of over 87 activists ranging from 23 to 70 years old, who embarked on a challenging journey from Gangtok to Tezpur. Despite facing scorching sun and heavy rains, the determined activists persevered, covering long distances each day with limited resources and poor facilities along the way. Their commitment and spirit remained unwavering.

The media coverage surrounding the March was extensive, capturing the attention of both local and global news outlets, highlighting the demands being put forth. The enthusiasm and interest shown by the media further amplified the impact of the March.


The Tibetan and Indian communities warmly welcomed the volunteers, demonstrating their support through traditional gestures like offering Khata (scarves) and extending hospitality with water, juice, and donations to the Tibetan Youth Congress. The overwhelming support received from Tibetans worldwide served as an immense source of encouragement for the volunteers, reinforcing their dedication to engaging in such activism.


The Tibet Matters March benefited from the assistance and facilitation provided by the BTSM and ABVP friends in Guwahati, who helped organize a press conference. Other Tibetan support groups along the way also warmly received the volunteers, creating a network of solidarity.


Upon reaching Tezpur, the volunteers held a prayer meeting at Missamari in Assam, paying tribute to the Tibetan brothers and sisters who lost their lives during their escape into exile. The support extended by regional chapters in Northeast India and other chapters worldwide throughout the Tibet Matters March was crucial in ensuring its success.

Overall, the Tibet Matters March achieved great success, raising significant awareness and garnering interest from concerned leaders to address the demands of the marchers through their representatives. The determination and resilience displayed by the participants resonated strongly, leaving a lasting impact on the cause.



On April 26th, 2023, the President of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), Gonpo Dhundup, along with representatives from three regional chapters of TYC, had a meeting with Sonia Singh Ji, the editorial director of NDTV (New Delhi Television). The purpose of the meeting was to address the smear campaign conducted by the media against His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

During the meeting, the TYC representatives expressed their disappointment with NDTV’s coverage and the negative impact it had on the reputation of His Holiness. They highlighted the distress and pain felt by millions of His Holiness’s devotees due to the misleading information disseminated by the media.


One of the main requests made during the meeting was for NDTV to publish perspectives and viewpoints of Tibetans, providing a platform for the Tibetan community to express their views and share their experiences. This request highlights the need for more inclusive and diverse reporting, allowing the Tibetan perspective to be represented in the media coverage.

Additionally, the TYC representatives urged NDTV to ensure more responsible reporting on matters related to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This suggests a call for accurate and balanced coverage that respects the dignity and reputation of His Holiness, avoiding sensationalism or false narratives.


A day later, NDTV provided a platform for Tibetan voices, publishing articles and sharing a video message by Jigme Ugyen, former RTYC Minnesota President, to showcase the Tibetan perspective.


On April 17th, 2023 Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) in collaboration with student groups from Spiti, Kinnaur, and other Himalayan regions organized a large congregational peace rally from Mcleod Ganj to Dharamshala, Kacheri.  The primary purpose of the rally was to condemn the media for misleading the public and defaming His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

The rally garnered significant support from the local Indians and the followers of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama all around the world. The reason behind this widespread support was a false allegation distributed by the New Delhi Television News outlet, which had caused great distress and anguish within the Buddhist community, especially among Tibetans living both in Tibet and in the diaspora.

During the rally, TYC President Gonpo Dhudup, Shri Ajit Nehria Ji from the Indo-Tibet Friendship Association, Shri Omkar Ji, the mayor of Dharamshala, and a student representative from Spiti addressed the gathered public. Their speeches shed light on the defamatory deception against His Holiness the Dalai Lama by the news media, as well as the role of China in spreading fake news globally through their financial support.

The participants expressed the collective outrage against the media for the false allegations. By highlighting the negative impact of such misinformation on the reputation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as well as its consequences for the Tibetan and Buddhist communities, the speakers aimed to mobilize public support and demand accountability from the media outlets involved.

The rally provided an opportunity for the participants to stand united against the defamation and to assert their solidarity with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Additionally, it shed light on the influence of external actors, such as China, in spreading false information and manipulating public opinion through financial means.


Overall, the congregational peace rally organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress and various Himalayan student groups sought to condemn the media’s misleading actions and raise awareness about the defamatory deception against His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. It aimed to rally support, both locally and internationally, to counter the false allegations and uphold the reputation of His Holiness and the Tibetan community.


Tibetan National Uprising Day Marked by Global Demonstrations

On March 10, 2023, Tibetans worldwide came together to commemorate the 64th anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day. In Dharamshala, a significant gathering of Tibetans from various states in India and overseas congregated to express their grievances against China’s policies. Five NGOs organized a nationalistic peace march denouncing China’s practices, including the mass collection of Tibetan DNA samples, the sinicization of Tibetan culture, the implementation of massive surveillance systems, the existence of colonial Chinese boarding schools, and the arbitrary imprisonment of Tibetan intellectuals.

The Vice President of the Tibetan Youth Congress, Mr Tashi Targyal delivered a powerful speech at a public gathering, highlighting the crucial need for unity among Tibetans in countering the ongoing atrocities committed by Chinese forces in Tibet.

Addressing the gathering, the Vice President emphasized the significance of standing together as a unified front to confront the challenges posed by the Chinese government. The atrocities and human rights violations carried out by Chinese authorities in Tibet have been a grave concern for the Tibetan community, necessitating a strong and united response.

The Vice President’s speech resonated with the audience, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and collective action to raise awareness, advocate for human rights, and work towards a resolution for the Tibetan cause. The Tibetan Youth Congress continues to play a vital role in mobilizing Tibetans and raising international awareness about the ongoing situation in Tibet.



On February 13, 2023, the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) and the Centre for Himalayan Asian Studies and Engagement organized an international webinar to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the 13th Dalai Lama’s proclamation reiterating Tibet’s independence. The webinar aimed to shed light on this significant historical event and its ongoing relevance.

The webinar featured a panel of distinguished speakers who provided insights and expertise on various aspects related to Tibet’s independence and the current situation. The invited speakers included:


Lhadon Tethong: Director of Tibet Action Institute. Tethong’s experience and knowledge in Tibet-related activism contributed to the discussions on advocating for Tibetan rights and freedom.


Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar: Member of the Tibetan Parliament. Dolkar’s presence enriched the discussions by providing perspectives from a legislative standpoint and representing the Tibetan community’s interests.


Bhuchung Tsering: Interim President of the International Campaign for Tibet. Bhuchung la’s expertise in advocacy work and international engagement added valuable insights to the discussions.


Dr. Uwe Meya: Board Member of the GSTF (Global Science and Technology Forum). Dr. Meya’s participation provided insights into the academic and research aspects of Tibet’s independence and its historical significance.


Tenzin Zockbeuer: Executive Director of Tibet Initiative Deutschland. Zockbeuer’s involvement shed light on the efforts and initiatives undertaken by the Tibetan diaspora community in Germany.


The presence of these speakers allowed for a comprehensive and diverse exploration of His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama’s proclamation and its impact on Tibet’s struggle for independence. The webinar provided a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering understanding, and generating meaningful discussions on the historical and contemporary aspects of Tibet’s independence movement.



During the Global Week of Action, which commenced a week ago, various organizations from around the world came together to advocate for a common cause. On February 3, 2023, the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), along with the Tibetan Women’s Association, National Democratic Party of Tibet, and Students for a Free Tibet, India, joined forces with 120 organizations worldwide in a united Global Week of Action.

The primary demand during this week of action was for the Chinese government to cease its forced collection of DNA from Tibetans. This practice raises concerns about privacy violations, human rights abuses, and the potential misuse of genetic information. By participating in the Global Week of Action, the TYC and other organizations aimed to raise awareness about this issue and apply collective pressure on the Chinese government to halt these actions.


The collaboration of these organizations underscores the solidarity and shared commitment among various global entities to protect the rights and dignity of Tibetans. The joint efforts during the Global Week of Action amplify the voices calling for an end to the forced DNA collection and bring attention to the human rights concerns faced by Tibetans under Chinese rule.


Kungo Sikyong Penpa Tsering, the President, and Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile visited the volunteer desk

On January 2, 2023, Kungo Sikyong Penpa Tsering, the President, and Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile visited the volunteers who had participated in the 15 Days of Social Services program organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) during the teachings of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya, Bihar. During their visit, they interacted with TYC President and expressed admiration for the organization’s noble social contributions.


On December 23, 2022, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama commenced his public teaching in Bodh Gaya, a significant Buddhist pilgrimage site in the northeast Indian state of Bihar. As usual, the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) organized a voluntary social service campaign to support the event.

Prior to the teaching, the volunteers arrived in Bodh Gaya to prepare for their responsibilities. The TYC established an announcement centre to disseminate information about the teaching proceedings and necessary announcements in over six languages. The volunteers took on various roles, including providing reception assistance at different railway stations, healthcare services, ensuring public security, and offering assistance to anyone who needed help or had misplaced belongings.

In addition to their assigned tasks, the TYC volunteers also assisted the security guards responsible for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s safety. Their dedication and support received significant public appreciation for the services rendered by the Tibetan Youth Congress Volunteers. The volunteer group primarily consisted of college students, and more than 70 volunteers provided aid to the pilgrims attending the teachings in Bodh Gaya.

The volunteer services were led by TYC President Gonpo Dhundup, Vice President Tashi Targyal, Joint Secretary Tsering Chomphel, and Accountant Tsamcho. The 15-day volunteer service campaign proved to be a tremendous success, showcasing the TYC volunteers’ commitment to prioritizing the welfare of others before themselves.

The efforts of the TYC volunteers during this period exemplify their dedication to community service and supporting important events within the Tibetan community. Their selfless commitment and hard work contributed to the overall success of the teaching event in Bodh Gaya.


The longstanding conflict and border encroachment by China into the actual landlines of Tibet and India have evolved into an security threat for the Indian government. The situation escalated further in December when the Chinese Communist Party claimed a significant portion of Indian territory, resulting in a new flashpoint between the two countries.

On December 15, 2022, five prominent Tibetan non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Dharamshala along with the Indo-Tibetan Friendship Association, organized a protest event. The purpose of this event was to demonstrate against the recent Chinese aggression at the Indo-Tibet border. The protest aimed to raise awareness about the territorial dispute and to express support with India’s position.

The protest event signifies the concern and unity among the Tibetan NGOs and the Indo-Tibetan Friendship Association regarding the Chinese encroachment and the potential implications for both Tibet and India. It highlights the shared commitment to addressing this issue and advocating for a resolution that upholds the interests of the Tibetans while ensuring India’s national security.



The Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) and its regional chapters organized a series of protest events both in Delhi, India, and internationally in solidarity with Tibetans in Tibet and the demonstrators calling for freedom in China. These events aimed to raise awareness about the ongoing human rights violations in Tibet and to support the aspirations of those advocating for democracy and the removal of Xi Jinping from power.

Protest Event at Jantar Mantar, Delhi: The TYC-led protest event took place at Jantar Mantar in Delhi, drawing a significant number of participants from both young and old Tibetans. The atmosphere was filled with hope and anticipation for positive changes in China. The protesters voiced slogans supporting the aspirations of Tibetans in Tibet and expressed solidarity with the demonstrators calling for freedom in China. Public speakers, who were experts on China and unafraid to expose the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Regime, addressed the gathering.




Flash Mob Protest Event at India Gate, New Delhi: Following the protest event at Jantar Mantar, a flash mob protest was organized at India Gate in New Delhi. The flash mob was joined by working committee members of Regional Tibetan Youth Congress (RTYC) Samyeling and RTYC Rohini. All participants wore black shirts to symbolize their solidarity with Tibetans enduring brutal suppression under the Chinese regime. Each participant held an A4 paper in their hands, symbolizing the wishes of those who are closely controlled and censored under the repressive rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Protest Rally in Bangalore, India: RTYC Bangalore brought together Tibetans in Bangalore and organized a protest rally. The participants released a statement in both English and Chinese, expressing their support for the Chinese demonstrators’ call for freedom and demanding Xi Jinping’s resignation.


International Solidarity Protests: RTYC Toronto, in collaboration with eight alliance organizations, held a protest event in front of the Toronto Old City Hall. The participants voiced their support for the aspirations of the Chinese demonstrators and called for freedom while highlighting the need for Xi Jinping’s resignation.


Furthermore, RTYC chapters in NY/NJ and Minnesota organized peaceful protests in front of the Chinese consulates. The protesters urged the Chinese Communist government to fulfill the aspirations of the demonstrators and address the demands for freedom.


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