On 16th October 2022, the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) organized a protest rally to voice our concerns about the commencement of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing. The protest took place in collaboration with the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress in Dharamshala and received support from the general public in huge participation.

The purpose of the protest was to draw attention to the ongoing critical situation inside Tibet, which continues to deteriorate under the Chinese repressive policies. The Tibetan Youth Congress demanded that the Chinese Communist Government cease committing acts of genocide under the guise of their Zero-Covid policy.


The protest began with a march from McLeod Ganj to Dharamshala, and the rally was led by four students wearing Covid-kits. This symbolic representation aimed to draw attention to the suffering of Tibetans who continue to face restrictions imposed by China and the inadequate facilities provided to them during quarantine.

During the protest, the President of the Tibetan Youth Congress delivered a powerful speech condemning China for mistreating Tibetans during the Covid lockdowns in Tibet. The speech emphasized the need for China to address the concerns and welfare of the Tibetan people.



By organizing this street protest, the Tibetan Youth Congress sought to raise awareness about the ongoing issues faced by Tibetans under Chinese rule and to put pressure on the Chinese Communist Government to address these concerns. The event demonstrated the TYC’s commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of Tibetans and our determination to speak out against injustice.


TYC organized a virtual webinar on 1st October to shed light on the background of China’s colonialism and to highlight the aspirations of its colonized countries, including Tibet, East Turkistan, Southern Mongolia, and Hong Kong. The webinar aimed to raise awareness about the challenges faced by these regions and to discuss the importance of supporting their struggles for freedom and human rights.

The webinar featured esteemed speakers who provided valuable insights and perspectives on the respective situations in each of the occupied territories. Mr Salih Hudayar, the Prime Minister of the East Turkistan Government-in-exile, shared the experiences and aspirations of the Uyghur people in East Turkistan. Mr Engebatu Togochog, the Director of the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center, provided valuable insights into the plight of the Mongolian people in Southern Mongolia. Kai Mueller, the Executive Director of the International Campaign for Tibet in Germany, shared his expertise on the Tibetan cause. TYC President Gonpo Dhondup also contributed to the webinar, providing an overview of the Tibetan struggle and the role of TYC in advocating for Tibetan rights. Mr. Vijay Kranti, the co-host and the long-time friend of TYC and supporter of Tibet moderated the panel.


The webinar aimed to educate the public about the colonial practices and human rights violations perpetrated by China in these countries. It sought to foster understanding and solidarity among various pro-democracy movements and to inspire collective action in support of freedom, human rights, and self-determination for the colonized peoples. By bringing together speakers and participants from different organizations and backgrounds, the webinar provided a platform for knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and strengthening the global movement against China’s colonial policies.



TYC President Gonpo Dhundup actively participated in a protest

TYC President Gonpo Dhundup actively participated in a protest campaign organized by the Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein at the office of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The purpose of the protest was to urge the UNHRC to address the Tibet issue and hold China accountable for its actions.

During the protest, the participants expressed their objection to China’s Zero Covid Policy and raised concerns about the genocidal system implemented in Tibet. They demanded an end to the genocide in Tibet and called for an immediate halt to the brutal treatment of Tibetans by the Chinese authorities, particularly during the Covid outbreak in Tibet. The protesters firmly emphasized that Tibet belongs to Tibetans and reiterated their genuine aspiration for justice and freedom for the Tibetan people.

By participating in this protest campaign, TYC President Gonpo Dhundup and other demonstrators aimed to draw international attention to the critical situation in Tibet and advocate for the protection of Tibetan rights and freedoms. The protest aimed to bring awareness to the UNHRC and to urge them to take action in addressing the ongoing human rights violations in Tibet.

TYC joins Boycott Winter Olympics Rally in NYNJ

On 4th January 2022, under the leadership of RTYC NYNJ a protest rally was organized in front of the Chinese Consulate Office in New York. TYC President Mr. Gonpo Dhundup, TYC Joint Secretary Mr. Tsewang Rabgyal and TYC Cultural Secretary Mr. Yeshi Chomphel joined the protest rally.

TYC Centrex takes part in Boycott Winter Olympics Rally in New York.
Protestors in front of the Chinese Consulate Office, New York demanding the boycott of Winter Olympics.

Mr. Gonpo Dhundup delivered a speech in front of the Chinese Consulate Office, objecting IOC’s decision to host Winter Olympics in Beijing, China and turning a blind eye to all the atrocities committed by the CCP. He also condemned CCP for their repressive policies in Tibet and other occupied nations.


After the speech, the protestors marched towards NBC headquarters to object their decision to live telecast the Winter Olympics in Beijing.




Candlelight Vigil in protest against repressions in Kham Drago

Tibetans and Tibet supporters held a candlelight vigil in Dharamsala to express solidarity with the critical situation in Kham Drago after the Chinese authorities destroyed a 99 feet high Buddha statue.


A 99-foot statue of Buddha, built with a financial contribution of 4,000,000 Yuan from local Tibetans in Drago, in the Kardze region in the traditional Tibetan province of Kham along with 45 huge prayer wheels erected near Drago Monastery were also destroyed by the Chinese authorities on 12th December 2021.


Regional Tibetan Youth Congress (RTYC), Dharamsala, and Student for a Free Tibet (SFT)-India has jointly organized the candlelight vigil to make a strong case of  China’s “continued disregard and desecration of the religion of the Tibetan people, their culture and their custom.”


Many local Tibetans joined the vigil to express their solidarity with the people of Drago. After the vigil, Mr. Sonam Tsering, General Secretary of TYC gave a talk highlighting the severe restrictions on basic human freedoms, arbitrary arrests, incommunicado detentions, torture, and unnatural deaths that have all become the traits of Chinese rule in Tibet. He also mentioned how China’s policy of Sinicization has caused an assault on all the Tibetan national identities, most notably their language, religion, and culture, and that the Chinese government accelerated policies that reduce Tibetans as a proportion of the population and undermine their cultural and religious identity by 2020.

Kham Drago Candlelight vigil at McLeod Main Square.

He concluded by calling on the governments around the world for strong, collective, and immediate action to send a clear message to China and boycott the Beijing winter Olympic 2022 games.

Thank You Enes Kanter Basketball Match

Tibetan Youth Congress along with RTYC Dharamshala organized a Basketball Match at Central Institute for Higher Studies, Sarah to extend our heartfelt Thank You to Enes Kanter for resisting CCP’s authority and speaking about genocide, rape, torture, and murder by CCP on 30th October 2021.

Players holding placards thanking Enes Kanter for speaking up against Chinese atrocities.

The basketball match was played between members of the Tibetan Youth Congress and Students of the Central Institute for Higher Studies, Sarah. With just a slight difference in the score, the trophy was won by members of TYC. The edited video of the Thank You Enes Kanter Basketball Match posted on our social media was later reposted by Enes Kanter on his official social media platform.

Organizing members of the Thank You Enes Kanter Basketball match.

After the match, TYC President Mr. Gonpo Dhundup expressed gratitude to the professional basketball player Enes Kanter of Boston Celtics, National Basketball Association for his invaluable support for the cause of Tibet and urged for his continued support.

Launch of the Martyr Memorial Project

In attendance of the Chief Guest, Shri. Indresh Kumar, Special Guest BTSM General Secretary Shri Pankaj Goyal, Shri. Ajay Singh Mangodia and other dignitaries.

Tibetan Youth Congress in collaboration with Bharat Tibbat Sanyog Manch and the Voice for the Voiceless launched a year-long Martyr Memorial Project, in memory of all the 159 martyrs who selflessly set themselves on fire for the cause of Tibet and to stand in solidarity with all their family and loved ones.

The Martyr Memorial Project aims to organize protest events on all the dates of the self-immolations as a mark of remembrance and solidarity with the self-immolator across 127 nations. This year-long project also aims at creating awareness on the critical situation inside Tibet and the need for urgency for action by the international communities.

Participants of Martyrs Memorial Project.

















The launch event was held on 12th October 2022 at the Imperial Heights Clarks Inn Hotel, Kanyara. Shri. Indresh Kumar, RSS member and founder of BTSM and Shri. Pankaj Goyal, General Secretary of BTSM graced the event with BTSM representatives from 40 different chapters.












TYC Speaking Tour at Tibetan Winter Sweater-Seller in India 


Tibetan Youth Congress Speaking Tour for the year 2019-2020 began by visiting the Tibetan Sweater sellers located across India and bringing them closer to the Tibetan Freedom Movement by giving talks on the roles and responsibilities of being Tibetan and the legacies and relevance of the Tibetan Youth Congress. During this Speaking Tour, Tibetan Youth Congress also focused on raising funds for the 50th Year founding anniversary of the Tibetan Youth Congress in 2020. 

Tibetan Youth Congress President Gonpo Dhundup and Information Secretary Lhamo la visited all the Tibetan Traders Associations in Rajasthan. Likewise, Vice-President Lobsang Tsering and Accountant Tsamchoe visited and covered areas around Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Orissa. Sonam Tsering, General Secretary of TYC, and Tenzin Norzom, Researcher covered the state of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal. Joint Secretary Tsewang Rabgyal la and Cultural Secretary Yeshi Choephel la visited Gujurat, Maharastra, and Telangana. 

With Tibetan Youth Leadership Training and Social Service Programs ahead of us, TYC regrouped the members for the Speaking Tour. Gonpo Dhundup, President of TYC visited Winter sweater shops around Delhi while Vice President Lobsang Tsering and Information Secretary Lhamo covered the shops in Jharkhand. Joint Secretary Tsewang Rabgyal and Tibetan Researcher Ngawang Yarphel visited Tibetan shops around Haryana and Punjab. 

The Speaking Tour and FundRaising drive for the 50th Year Golden Jubilee celebration was a grand success and we’d like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has supported us.

49th Founding Anniversary of the Tibetan Youth Congress


The celebration of the 49th anniversary of the Tibetan Youth Congress is an occasion to look back, reminisce and reassess its achievements. The 49th founding anniversary of the Tibetan Youth Congress started with the meeting of the Organizing Committee for the 50th Year Golden Jubilee Celebration. This is the first meeting of the Organizing Committee of the 50th Year Founding anniversary celebration. 

The members of the Organizing Committee include TYC Former Centrex (Sonam Tsering la, Topgyal la, Sherab Woeser la, Tsultrim Dorjee la, Ngawang Lobsang la, Tashi Targyal la) and RTYC Executives ( Lodoe Palden la, Tenzin Choedar la, Tharchin la and Rinchen Lhamo la). 

TYC activists staged an aggressive campaign at the Chinese Embassy as they celebrates the 70th founding anniversary of PRC


On 1st October 2019, TYC activists staged an aggressive campaign at the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi to condemn the 70th founding anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. More than 50 activists stormed the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi to protest against the repressive and authoritarian policies in Tibet under Chinese rule. The protestors were immediately arrested and were taken into custody at Mandir Marg Police Station and released at 6 PM on the same day. 


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