TYC GBM ends on high note

Tenzin Jigme was re-elected as President of Tibetan Youth Congress at its General Body Meeting, held from 29 August to 3 September in Dharamshala.

Held every three years, this was the sixteenth meeting since its inception in 1970.

The first item discussed at the meeting was TYC’s aims and objectives, in particular the first aim and the fourth aim. Quite a few people said these contradicted each other, and this had spurred debate in the Tibetan community in exile.

Almost a day and a half was given over to this discussion. “Some people spoke for the Middle Way, and also some were talking about, instead of rangzenrangwang,” said Tenzing Jigme in a talk with Tibet Sun.

The majority decided through democratic process that TYC didn’t need any changes in either of the statements, and that the TYC stand should stay the same.

Secondly was discussion about current issues in the Tibetan exile community, especially in regard to the choelu [four buddhist sects plus bon] and cholka [three provinces] affiliations.

One of the principles of TYC is that that they do not participate in those affiliations. In particular, because their members take leadership positions in settlements in the community. It was felt they have a responsibility to not indulge in choelu/cholka partisanship, but rather to bring more unity.

A third discussion concerned Tibetan culture, and especially language, and its preservation, especially among the youth. His Holiness had also talked to TYC about this subject in the morning of the last day. As a result of this discussion, a resolution was passed to have college cultural competitions organised by TYC Centrex.

Also discussed was the situation inside Tibet, with a decision made to take the movement to another level, to be more strategic.

A final resolution was made saying that TYC condemns those who make baseless accusations against His Holiness.

At the General Body Meeting, representatives of all the chapters of the Organisation from different parts of the world gather in Dharamshala and deliberate on various issues pertaining to the causes and the organisation. New executive members are also elected at the end of the meeting.

On the last day of the meeting on Saturday, six members were re-elected and four new members elected to the TYC Centrex.

Re-elected were: President, Tenzing Jigme; Vice President, Tamding Hrichoe; General Secretary, Tashi Lamsang; Joint Secretary, Ngawang Lobsang; Culture Secretary, Tashi Dhondup Dhekhang; and Information Secretary, Tsewang Dolma.

Four new members elected were: Nyima Yangzom from Baroda, Deki Lhasawa from Darjeeling, Penpa Tsering from Chandigarh, and Tashi Dhargay from Dharamshala.

Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama met with the delegates earlier today. At the meeting the Dalai Lama “stressed that the youth is important and that TYC is an important organisation, and now the struggle of Tibetan people is on the youth,” reported Tenzing Jigme.

The Dalai Lama has also talked about the role of women in TYC, saying that he would like to see them take more leadership roles.

Tibetan Youth Congress is the largest exile Tibetan organisation. It is headquartered in McLeod Ganj. The members of the Organisation strive for an independent Tibet from China.

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