No amendments in core rules, top executive members retained at TYC meet

DHARAMSHALA, Sept 3: The largest pro-independence group of the exile Tibetans, the Tibetan Youth Congress, today concluded their 16th General Body meeting here at Dharamshala’s Municipal Hall, deliberating on key matters, among which the amendments proposed for the core rules/tasks did not receive majority and remain unchanged, while the top rung of the centrex (executive member for the headquarter based here) were retained for another term through votes cast by 140 delegates representing over 40 chapters around the world.

The two much debated core rules which were deemed contradictory by some remain unchanged after the voting. Of the four core objectives/tasks that bind any member or chapter, the first calls for “serving one’s country and people under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama” received the house majority (54 votes out of 140) while the fourth which seeks “total independence for Tibet,” received 45 votes which proved sufficient against the 39 that wanted amendment in the rule. Both the rules were not amended.

The top rung of the previous executive members were retained with the President Tenzing Jigmey, Vice-President Tamding Hrichoe and Secretary Tashi Lamsang all voted for a second term at the helm of the pro-independence organization. Four new entrants made in into the 10 men centrex. Tenzing Jigmey after getting elected the President again said that the resolutions that have not been passed have been a result of a democratically conducted voting and that the people should respect the outcome. He further added, “His Holiness the Dalai Lama continues to remain as the central figure in unifying the Tibetans and keeping the struggle alive. The TYC will keep His Holiness in the fore while performing any activity in the future.”

Among the nine resolutions discussed and deliberated on the final day of the meet, the resolution to not have relations with the Tibetan National Congress, another NGO that also strives for complete independence for Tibet and started by Independence proponents based abroad, on an organizational level received a mathematical majority with 79 votes out of the total 140.

Other resolutions to condemn any individual or organization that vilify and disparage the Tibetan leader Dalai Lama, engage in lobbying efforts for self immolators for Tibet, Tibetan environment and social services in the exile diaspora were also passed during the annual gathering.

The delegates from the meeting will have an audience with the Dalai Lama at his residence tomorrow.


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