Tibetan Youth Leadership Training in Delhi

Delhi, Dec 23 – Tibetan youth from India and Nepal have gathered in the Indian capital of Delhi to take part in the Tibetan Youth Leadership Training Program organized by Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), the largest Tibetan NGO in exile.

Tibetan Youth Leadership Training in DelhiThis program held every year is the 15th leadership training in its series and is geared specifically and open for all Tibetan youth. Over the years TYC has proven to be valuable training ground for Tibetans living in exile and many of today’s leaders in the Tibetan diaspora, including the Tibetan Political Leader (Sikyong) Lobsang Sangay once served as a member of TYC at its headquarters in Dharamsala India. Today, one can observe that several Ministers (Kalon) and Members of Parliament (Chitue) in the Central Tibetan Administration as well as leaders in various capacities in exile once served as a member of TYC. Therefore, TYC has shown to be an exceptional organization in strengthening the Tibetan movement, the community and the freedom struggle.

This week’s leadership training started with an opening ceremony that included a talk by journalist, photographer, writer and a long time supporter of Tibet Mr. Vijay Kranti, Tibetan MP Chitue Karma Yeshi and Tibetan MP Chitue Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok. Local representatives of the Central Tibetan Administration also attended the morning’s program. In his opening remarks, President of Tibetan Youth Congress Tenzing Jigme stressed the importance of the youth taking responsibility of our movement.

This years training will include workshops on the structure of the Central Tibetan Administration facilitated by MP Pema Jugney and Democracy in exile facilitated by MP Karma Yeshi. Students will also learn to interact with news reporters, the importance of social media in today’s world and lobby training. “The idea is to empower our youth so that so that they can go on to make positive differences in our community, our struggle and the world,” said Ngawang Lobsang, Joint Secretary of TYC.

The Tibetan Youth Leadership is being held at the Tibetan Children Village hostel in Delhi and will go on from Dec 23-27.

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