Sadly, on 11th October 2022, Ven. Yeshi Choedak, TYC former Centrex member passed away, leaving the Tibetan community mourning his loss. His untimely departure came after he dedicated many years to serving the Tibetan cause. Although he retired prematurely on 1st November 2010, his contributions and commitment to the Tibetan community were evident throughout his tenure.

Ven. Yeshi Choedak made significant contributions to the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) during his tenure. From 1989 to 1990, he served as the Cultural Secretary of the TYC, playing a crucial role in promoting Tibetan culture and heritage within the organization. Later, from 1991 to 1992, he took on the position of Vice President, further contributing to the TYC’s activities and goals.


The news of Ven. Yeshi Choedak’s passing was unexpected, causing a sense of sorrow among the members of the Tibetan Youth Congress. In response to this tragic event, the TYC offered our heartfelt condolences to his family, acknowledging the immense loss we experienced.


Additionally, the Tibetan Youth Congress sent prayers and well wishes for Ven. Yeshi Choedak’s immediate swift rebirth as a Ganchenpa.

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