89. Sangay Tashi

His slogans: “Return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from Exile,” and “Release of all Tibetan political prisoners, including the 11th Panchen Lama”

Name: Sangay Tashi

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Profession: Nomad

Date of Self-immolation: 27 November 2012

Location: Sangkhog town, Sangchu County, Amdo

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased

On 26 November 18-year-old Sangay Tashi arrived in Sangkhog town with his friends. Sangay reportedly called a relative, but before a proper conversation could be carried out Sangay cut the call by switching off his phone. Sangay Tashi then set himself on fire around midnight of 27 November in Sangchu region of Eastern Tibet. Sangay passed away at the site of his protest where he had reportedly shouted slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the release of all Tibetan political prisoners, including the 11th Panchen Lama while engulfed in flames. Local Tibetans then carried his charred body to a nearby house. By the time Sangay Tashi’s family members arrived in Sangkhog, he had already succumbed to his injuries. Sangay Tashi is survived by his parents and four siblings. He had studied at a primary school in Sangkhog town for four years but was forced to return home to help with family chores.sangaytashi

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