49th Founding Anniversary of the Tibetan Youth Congress


The celebration of the 49th anniversary of the Tibetan Youth Congress is an occasion to look back, reminisce and reassess its achievements. The 49th founding anniversary of the Tibetan Youth Congress started with the meeting of the Organizing Committee for the 50th Year Golden Jubilee Celebration. This is the first meeting of the Organizing Committee of the 50th Year Founding anniversary celebration. 

The members of the Organizing Committee include TYC Former Centrex (Sonam Tsering la, Topgyal la, Sherab Woeser la, Tsultrim Dorjee la, Ngawang Lobsang la, Tashi Targyal la) and RTYC Executives ( Lodoe Palden la, Tenzin Choedar la, Tharchin la and Rinchen Lhamo la). 

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