14&15 Tennyi & Tsuiltim


Name: Tennyi

Age: 20s

Sex: Male

Profession: Former monk of Kirti Monastery

Date of Self-Immolation: 6 January 2012

Location: Ngaba County Town, Amdo, Eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased 6 January

Their slogans:“His Holiness tHe dalai lama must return to tibet” and “may His Holiness the Dalai Lama live for 10,000 years”


Name: Tsultrim

Age: 20s

Sex: Male

Profession: Former monk of Kirti Monastery

Date of Self-Immolation: 6 January 2012

Location: Ngaba County Town, Amdo, Eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased 7 January

Tennyi and Tsultrim set their bodies ablaze on 6 January at around 2:40 pm (local time) in the tense Ngaba region of Eastern Tibet, an area which has seen the most number of self-immolations since 2009. Eyewitness accounts said that the two, a monk and a layman, were together when they ignited themselves. With folded hands they faced towards Kirti Monastery and raised a number of slogans amongst which the audible ones called for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his return to Tibet eyewitnesses report.

According to a release by the exile base of Kirti Monastery in Dharamshala, Tennyi succumbed to his burns shortly after Chinese security personnel arrested him on 6 January. Tsultrim passed away a day later during the night of 7 January. This action led to the region suffering increased security restrictions by the Chinese authorities.

“Following their self-immolations, all the Tibetan shops and businesses were closed as a mark of respect and to show solidarity with the family of the two deceased,” the release said. “However, as in earlier instances, local Tibetans were barred by the Chinese authorities from visiting the families of the deceased to offer their condolences and prayers.” his last testament which was tape-recorded called for Tibet’s Freedom and the Long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lamatennyi tsuiltrim

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