108. Sangdag

Name: Sangdag

Age: Not known

Sex: Male

Profession: Monk

Date of Self-immolation: 25 February 2013, 10 am (local time)

Location: South of Ngaba, Amdo

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Unknown

Slogans: Not reported

On 25 February 2013, a monk from Diphu Monastery called Sangdag set fire to himself around 10:00am on a road to the south of Ngaba township. Soon after Sangdag’s protest, Chinese security personnel arrived at the scene and doused the flames then removed him to a hospital in Ngaba. However, shortly afterwards the Chinese police transported him to another unidentified location. Sangdag is from Dowa village in Drotsig Township, Ngaba County in Amdo, Northeastern Tibet.

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