95. Lobsang Gendun

Name: Lobsang Gendun

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Profession: Monklobsanggendun

Date of Self-immolation: 3 December 2012 7 pm (local time)

Location: Golog Pema County, Golog, Eastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceased

Slogans: Not reported

Monk Lobsang Gedun set himself on fire at a crossroads in Pema County, then walked 300 steps with hands folded in a gesture of prayer before he collapsed and died. Chinese security police and Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers immediately arrived at the scene and attempted to take his body away — triggering a tussle when local Tibetans tried and managed to wrestle his body from them and take it to Penak Monastery. Lobsang is originally from Penak Monastery in Pema County which sources report was then put under strict surveillance following his action. Several hundred Chinese police and armed PSB personnel sectioned off Pema County centre and imposed stringent restrictions on the movements locals.

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