86. Kunchok Tsering

Name: Kunchok Tsering

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Profession: Nomad

Date of Self-immolation: 26 November 2012

Location: Amchok, Labrang, Amdo, Northeastern Tibet

Current whereabouts/wellbeing: Deceasedkunchoktsering

Kunchok Tsering set himself on fire at a mining site in the eastern region of Labrang — the same location where Tsering Dhondup had carried out his action on 20 November. Kunchok passed away at the scene of the protest. Sources reported that monks of Amchok Monastery and a large number of local Tibetans gathered at his house to offer prayers. Kunchok is survived by his wife, Sangay Tso (19), his parents, Phagkyab (40) and mother Gonpo Tso (37) and an older brother.

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