TYC hold ‘Lobby Day’ in Delhi

Article reposted from www.phayul.comLobby

DHARAMSHALA, July 29: The largest pro independence group of the Tibetan Diaspora, which concluded its 46th Working Committee Meeting in the Indian capital today, devoted the fourth day to engage in lobbying efforts to draw support to the situation inside Tibet, particularly to the death of Tibetan philanthropist teacher Tulku Tenzin Delek in Chinese Prison in Tibet.

Members divided into several groups visited prominent Indian politicians as well as consulates in New Delhi on Monday, to garner support and to build a global alliance condemning Tulku’s death.

The TYC members visited Indian politicians such as Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju, senior BJP legislator Shanta Kumar, MP Arun Kumar and MP Tarun Vijay and representatives of Consulate of Japan, German Embassy and international establishments such as European Union’s Dr. Anne Vaugier Chatterjee, United States Global Unit Chief Mr. Anthony Eterno and Miss Michelle Janson.

The members broached the recent ‘death in detention’ of the Buddhist leader from Lithang under mysterious circumstances in a Chinese prison and the aftermath of the incident that resulted in beatings of several youth who protested the death and demanded his body.

The TYC members also sought support to their demands for the release of Tulku’s sister and niece who were arrested following his hushed cremation under police surveillance.

“The esteemed representatives have been very cordial and encouraging while listening to our pleas and that has given us impetus to further undertake such initiatives. The interest shown by them is genuine and the duration of the meetings especially were long hence we could explain the matters in detail. The meetings are a success and we are happy that our efforts have at least been heard to the highest of offices” said a TYC member.

The largest pro independence group of the Tibetan Diaspora concluded its 46th Working Committee Meeting in Samyeling Tibetan Refugee Settlement in Delhi today with 130 executive members from 35 regional chapters around the world gathered at the Chushigangdruk Complex in Majnu Ka Tilla in Delhi.

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