On October 1, 2023, the Tibetan Youth Congress, in collaboration with the National Democratic Party of Tibet and Students for a Free Tibet-India, observed the Global Day of Action with a photo action event in McLeod Ganj. The primary purpose of this event was to protest against the Chinese Communist Government’s decades-long oppression and illegal occupation of Tibet, as well as to condemn their actions in other colonized regions, including Tibet, Uyghurs, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

The photo action was the centerpiece of this observance, featuring five activists representing oppressed regions: Uyghurs, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tibet. They were symbolically chained by a figure resembling Xi Jinping, to signify the suppression and subjugation these regions have endured under the Chinese regime.

A blood-stained statue with the number “74” was placed nearby to symbolize the countless lives lost and the bloodshed caused by the People’s Republic of China since its establishment.

The event commenced with a speech in Tibetan by the General Secretary of Tibetan Youth Congress, addressing the atrocities committed by the Chinese government in Tibet and expressing solidarity with other oppressed regions. The speech aimed to raise awareness of the ongoing struggles and injustices faced by these communities.

Following this, an activist from Students for a Free Tibet-India read a statement in English, emphasizing the need for global solidarity in addressing China’s oppressive policies. The statement highlighted the importance of advocating for human rights and freedom for Tibet and other colonized regions.

The event drew the attention of various news media outlets, both domestic and international, who covered the photo action and speeches. This media coverage was instrumental in spreading the message of the observance to a wider audience.

The event also attracted the interest of foreign tourists and local residents in McLeod Ganj, leading to a diverse audience. The engagement and support from those present contributed to the success of the event.

The Global Day of Action observance on October 1, 2023, organized by Tibetan Youth Congress, National Democratic Party of Tibet, and Students for a Free Tibet, was a successful event in condemning the Chinese Communist Government’s oppressive actions and advocating for the rights and freedoms of oppressed regions. The photo action and speeches effectively conveyed the message, and media coverage ensured that the event reached a broader audience. The engagement of diverse attendees, including tourists and locals, underscored the importance of raising awareness about these critical issues on a global scale.


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